Clash of clans Clan Capital
Hello Clasher's, Today we are excited to provide you the latest updates leaks and fan theory running in Clash Community. Clash of clans community is right now in the peak for new update. We also got lots of hints for Banana, but nobody knows what actually the Banana is? We will explain you about the Fan theory about Banana and Clan Capital with New Game Mode.Banana
Surprisingly, on National Banana Day Clash of clans Community Manager Darian reply this pic in Clash of clans tweet. Well, this is a totally new version of Banana.This might be new pet in the game or might be new Dark Elixer troops. We are totally surprise by this picture. This might be fake as well, but we can't ignore that this is posted by Community Manager Darian.
Clan Capital
How cool would it be if you had a capital that was built by the clan!? It could have unique clan capital buildings and defenses. You could either donate resources to the capital, or even better, 5% of each raid you do is donated to the capital. The clan Leader and a few selected officials of the clan have power over the builders and the buildings. The clan offers an update page as to who is helping the clan village the most (by tons of raiding). As the clan grows, the capital grows, and everyone can see and comment on its progress and try to make the most awesome city!
Now once a day, the clan capital can attack another capital (controlled by the leader or elected officials of the clan). There is no troop queue, but troop amounts are determined by the different buildings you have. I.E: you have an archer barracks at lvl 11, you get 11 archers for the attack. If the capital wins everyone in the clan gets loot that is equally shared. Most of the time it will be gold/elixir/dark elixir, but every now and then (randomly) you can get gems! There can be a clan capital acheivements as well so there are goals the clan can do to get gems!
The capital itself will be 3-4 times bigger and more awesome than a standard village. Its a group effort and everyone is trying to make it the coolest and strongest it can be! The higher level of capitals you destroy, the more loot the clan gets!!
New Game Mode
Hmm, New Game Mode under the main village. This hint was also given by Clash of Clans Community Manager Darian. We can witness there is something side the door and the door is lil bit open to get entry. Will that be 3rd Village or New Game Mode. We already have "Mega Base " concept as New Game Mode which was made by "Vov vovson".
What's on your Mind?