Brawl Stars is back with Fairytale Frank Supercell MAKE campaign | Supercell Games Update

Brawl Stars is back with Fairytale Frank Supercell MAKE campaign | Supercell Games Update

Fairytale Frank Supercell MAKE campaign
 Fairytale Frank Supercell MAKE campaign

Hello Brawler's, Brawl Stars is back now with another Supercell Make Campaign. Brawl Stars Fairytale Frank Submission is open now and anyone are free to submit their artwork.
Campaign Detail's
Submission Detail's
Submission Link
Summited Artwork
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Campaign Detail's

Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a very big Brawler who was in need of a new enchanted Skin... Could that be Fairy Godmother Frank? King Frank? Or even a Dragon Slayer Frank! It's up to you to make a cool skin design for Frank inspired by the "Once Upon a Brawl" Season! One creation from this campaign will be added to the game!

Submission Detail's

All the concepts artist are free to post their creation freely from Supercell Make Campaign Official Sites. Artist are allowed to post their contain in either 2d or 3d. Submission are open from 14th July to 11th August 2022. Voting line are open from 11th August to 25th August. At the end the Fairytale Frank Supercell Make Campaign winner will be announced on 1st September 2022.

Submission Link

Summited Artwork

Sam: dragon slayer frank

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