New Troops for Builder Base


It's been more than 3 years and we haven't gotten any update on new troops for the Builder Base. We got Glader Hog in 2019 so now it's the perfect time to introduce new troops for the Builder Base. So we made new troops which is suitable for Builder base.


This is our brand new troop's concept and we name these troops as "Centaur". This is a half-animal and half-human being. While I have watched an abandoned amount of magical movies of such centaurs and I love that as a new concept.  Builder base is the dark theme so we thought adding such things is suitable to add in the game.

Concept Reference

Here is our reference which was taken from the Official Clash of clans team. Altho they stop working on this art but we love re-creating this concept. 


While Builder base is dark themes and it's so perfect with the dark themes.  Making the half-human we added elite barbarians with some stronger bodies. Remaining we made normal horse which can run fast as an alike horse. Additionally, you can watch the elite barbarians with thunder lightning and the specialty of these troops is this troops attack with both hands with thunder lightning. we didn't fix the damage hit point. 

At the end, this is our overall concept on this topic and this is our conclusion on this topic

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