Clash of clans Sparky Siege Machine

 New Siege Machine

Clash of clans is a never-ending game and we know they love adding new things in the game forever. We as well love making more interesting concepts and keep giving suggestions to the clash team. Here comes another extraordinary clash concept on siege machine which is called " Sparky Seige Machine"

Well, we have six Siege Machine in the game, and talking about recent Siege Machine was flame flinger which was awesome work done by the clash team.

How Does It Work ?

While this concept is used from Clash Royale and it works like the same as clash royale sparky. It hit like sparky with high damage and it clears the path to Townhall. It's kinda same as other seige machines.


We created Two different concept . Here are the picture


This all are only fanart and Supercell is not engaged with us . Thank You for Loving our work..

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