Increasing Space in The Home Village
Clash of clans has constantly increased new town hall in every 18 months. As we notice Team Clash of clans add additional buildings with a new town hall like last time as pet house, log barrack with additional walls. We know Home village space is now limited and always adding new buildings and walls will definitely overlap the remaining space in the future. As per the community manager Darian, He said " We Love adding new townhall and Update the game as much as we can". By his statement, there will be a more upcoming town hall with more buildings. So it's kinda hard for Clash Team to manage space in the home village for the future. So,, Here comes our fan theory. Well in our point of view we got two solutions for this issue, which are listed below.
1. Decreasing The Size of Buildings
2. Buying Slots Systems
1. Decreasing The Size of Buildings
Let's start talking about decreasing the size of buildings. We already witness the sample where town hall 13 is kinda smaller in size compared to others. Space capturing items like an army camp, lab, spell factory, etc, and so on.
2. Buying Slots Systems
Let's talk about our concept, this is our 3years old concept. Honestly, this concept was originated from AMA with Darian on Reddit. while he strongly denied stopping adding buildings and town halls. So, while keep on expanding buildings there will be definitely a shortage of space in the game. There is still huge space in the vast forest so we can use the forest as a plot . There should be an option to buy plot, which can be bought with special items like gems or $.
You can watch the sample of our concepts. There is space where you can set buildings. it's a simple and logical idea.
Lastly, here is our work where you can detect the town hall above the area with two builder huts. so these are out assumed for lack of space issue.
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